
The OjectDatabase is a Graph-Database.

see also:

It aids you in your endeavor to warp the world around you. A GraphDB has no actual data structure, it has a data management structure but without any force to drive you in a specific direction.

So you may build your own world in your DB as you like it. Learning in depth about its nature.

odb was testet with inhaling the whole IMDB with about 30Mio orignal data records using only 27GB of RAM. If you wish to test it for yourself (having 30GB free memory), build the odb an do th following:

cd ../raw-data
cat imdb.calls
# do all curl calls
gunzip *.gz
cd ../build
./7-read-imdb.test 20000000

It yields a statistic like this:

---------------- 12mio things
---------------- 15mio properties
---------------- 5mio reasons
---------------- 0 atoms

---------------- Search in (t)hings or ... or (s)ave&quit:

Now you can search the IMDB using a complete new perspective:

---------------- Search in (t)hings or (r)easons or (p)roperties ...: p

---------------- Search in Properties: .*:HU:.*

1:Carmencita - spanyol tánc:HU::imdbDisplay::0:
  Property of: Carmencita

2:A bohóc és kutyái:HU::imdbDisplay::0:
  Property of: Le clown et ses chiens

---------------- Search in (t)hings or (r)easons or (p)roperties ...: t

---------------- Search in Things: .*Star.*

Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre
  Property: 1901
  Property: 1:Building Up and Demolishing the Star Theatre:US::dvd::0:
  Property: 2:Снос и возведение Звездного Театра:RU::::0:
  Property: 3:Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre:::original::1:
  Property: 4:Star Theatre:US:::copyright title:0:
  Property: 5:A Star Theatre lebontása és felépítése:HU::imdbDisplay::0:
  Property: 6:Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre:US::::0:
  Property: Documentary
  Property: Short
  Property: class:movie
  Property: short
  Property: tt0000410

odb may support you to build a natural image of relevant links between CThing’s amongst each other using named, unidirectional CReason’s as well as appending things like CProperty’s (descriptive mini data elements), CAtom’s (true data fields) to CThing’s.

You may use the odb linked in your development environment.

Sample code

#include <iostream>

#include "odb.h"

int main()
   auto oOdb = odb::COdb();
   oOdb.print_json( std::cout );
   std::cout << '\n';
class COdb : public Identifiable<COdb>

The database.

A Object Database itself is an Identifiable object. Enabeling multiple database instances in one application.

Manfred Morgner

Public Functions


Creates a COdb, a database.

We only default construct the database, no copy construction no copy of the database at all. It is not known, what copying the database means.

COdb(COdb const &src)

deleted: copy constructor

Copying a databse is not supported yet. We will support it as soon as we find out what it means.

COdb(COdb const &&src)

deleted: move constructor

Moving a databse is not supported yet.

COdb &operator=(COdb const &src)

deleted: Assignment operator

Here we are in the same situation as with copy construction

virtual ~COdb()

Some cleanup.

If we wish to convience valgrind we are doing it right, we have to free all links to other objects before leaving the show.

void clear()

Frees all objects.

Frees all known objects at last so far that freeing the object collections releases all memory, bound to them. So valgrind will find nonode left on the table.

PNode MakeNode(std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PNode.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CNode named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • crsName: The name for the CNode

PNode LoadNode(size_t nId, std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PNode with predefined ID.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CNode named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • nId: The predefined ID if loading given sets into odb
  • crsName: The name for the CNode

PProperty MakeProperty(std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PProperty.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CProperty named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default


PProperty LoadProperty(size_t nId, std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PProperty with predefined ID.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CProperty named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • nId: The predefined ID if loading given sets into odb
  • crsName: The name for the CProperty

PAtom MakeAtom(int data, std::string const &crsName = "", std::string const &crsPrefix = "", std::string const &crsSuffix = "", std::string const &crsFormat = "")

Creates a PAtom.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CAtom named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

The data type of the data element in CAtom follows the input data type. It can be if any primitive type or most of the simple containers, like string or vector.

CAtom further on manages the life time of the data element. It’s a unique_ptr

  • data: The data for the CAtom
  • crsName: The name for the CAtom
  • crsPrefix: The prefix for the CAtom in a GUI
  • crsSuffix: The suffix for the CAtom in a GUI
  • crsFormat: The format for the CAtom in a GUI

PAtom LoadAtom(size_t nId, int data, std::string const &crsName = "", std::string const &crsPrefix = "", std::string const &crsSuffix = "", std::string const &crsFormat = "")

Creates a PAtom with predefined ID.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CAtom named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

The data type of the data element in CAtom follows the input data type. It can be if any primitive type or most of the simple containers, like string or vector.

CAtom further on manages the life time of the data element. It’s a unique_ptr

  • nId: The predefined ID if loading given sets into odb
  • data: The data for the CAtom
  • crsName: The name for the CAtom
  • crsPrefix: The prefix for the CAtom in a GUI
  • crsSuffix: The suffix for the CAtom in a GUI
  • crsFormat: The format for the CAtom in a GUI

PReason MakeReason(std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PReason.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CReason named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • crsName: The name for the CReason

PReason LoadReason(size_t nId, std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PReason with predefined ID.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CReason named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • nId: The predefined ID if loading given sets into odb
  • crsName: The name for the CReason

PStrand MakeStrand(std::string const &crsName = "")

Creates a PStrand.

Creates a shared_ptr with a new CStrand named as given in the call. If no name is given, the name will be the class default

  • crsName: The name for the CStrand

void print() const

Print out the database (Informative format)

void print(CAtoms const &crContainer) const

Print out container of CAtom objects.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing PAtom’s

template <typename T>
void print(CT<T> const &crContainer) const

Print out container of CNode’s.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CNode instances

auto Escape(std::string const &crsInput)

Replaces 2 with ” and \ with .

  • crsInput: The string to be escaped

void print_json(CNodes const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CNodes in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CNode instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json_stream(CNodes const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CNodes in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CNode instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json(CProperties const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CProperty’s in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CProperty instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json_stream(CProperties const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CProperty’s in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CProperty instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json(CAtoms const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CAtoms in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CAtom instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json_stream(CAtoms const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CAtoms in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CAtom instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json(CReasons const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CReasons in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CReason instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json_stream(CReasons const &crContainer, std::ostream &ros)

Dump all CReasons in Sub-JSON format.

  • crContainer: The forward iterable container, containing all CReason instances
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json(std::ostream &ros)

Dump the hole database in JSON format.

see also: JSON validator+converter:

Sample: Link Atoms to Nodes and Node to Node and dump it as JSON
#include <iostream>

#include "odb.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "node.h"

int main()
    auto oOdb    = odb::COdb();
    auto pNode1 = oOdb.MakeNode("Ulrich");
    auto pNode2 = oOdb.MakeNode("Fred");
    auto pAtom1  = oOdb.MakeAtom("Leader", "Role");
    auto pAtom2  = oOdb.MakeAtom("Member", "Role");
    auto pReason = oOdb.MakeReason("pays");
    pNode1->Link(pNode2, pReason);


"Object Database Dump":
    "Sizes": [ {"P": 0},{"A": 2},{"R": 1},{"T": 2} ],
            { "id": 0, "data": "Leader" },
            { "id": 1, "data": "Member" }
            { "id": 0, "name": "pays" }
            { "id": 0, "name": "Ulrich",
                "properties": [  ],
                "atoms": [ {"id": 0} ],
                "links": [ {"node-id": 1, "reason-id": 0} ] },
            { "id": 1, "name": "Fred",
                "properties": [  ],
                "atoms": [ {"id": 1} ],
                "links": [  ] }
  • ros: The output destination

void print_json_stream(std::ostream &ros)

Dump the hole database in JSON format.

  • ros: The output destination

void SaveDB(std::string const &crsFilename)

Saves an odb json file.

  • crsFilename:

bool LoadDB(std::string const &crsFilename)

Loads an odb json file.

  • crsFilename:

PNode FindOrLoadNodeById(size_t const nId, std::string const &crsName = "")

Has to return a node with specified ID, if it does not exists, it is to make.

  • nId: The id of the node
  • crsName: The name of the node if it has to be created

ONode FindNodeByProperty(std::string const &crsProperty)

Finds PNode with a named Property only if it’s unique.


CNodes FindNodesByProperty(std::string const &crsProperty)

Finds PNode with a named Property only if it’s one.


CNodes FindNodesByProperty(std::regex const &crsRegex)

Finds PNode with a named Property only if it’s one.


PNode FindOrMakeNodeByProperty(std::string const &crsNode, std::string const &crsProperty)

Finds or creates a PNode with a named Property, which also may be created and assigned.

  • crsNode: The name for the CNode
  • crsProperty: The name for the CProperty

MLinkets FindNodeLinkingSameNode(size_t const cnIdNodeA, size_t const cnIdNodeB)

Returns the nodes linked by the same reason as the given Nodes.

  • cnIdNodeA: Id of one Node
  • cnIdNodeB: Id of the other one

PNode FindOrMakeNode(std::string const &crsNode)

Has to return a node, if it does not exists, it is to make.

  • crsNode: The name of the Node

PProperty FindOrMakeProperty(std::string const &crsProperty)

Has to return a property, if it does not exists, it is to make.

  • crsProperty: The name of the Property

PReason FindOrMakeReason(std::string const &crsReason)

Has to return a Reason, if it does not exists, it is to make.

  • crsReason: The name of the Reason

PAtom FindOrMakeAtom(std::string const &crsAtom)

Has to return an Atom, if it does not exists, it is to make.

  • crsAtom: The name of the Atom

bool AppendProperty2Node(size_t nProperty, size_t nNode)

todo: optimize / Appends a Property to a Node by given index value

bool AppendProperty2Node(std::string const &crsProperty, std::string const &crsNode)

todo: optimize / Appends a Property to a Node by given names

bool AppendProperty2Node(std::string const &crsProperty, bool const bForce, std::string const &crsNode)

todo: optimize / Appends a Property to a Node by given names

bool AppendAtom2Node(size_t nNode, size_t nAtom)

todo: optimize / Appends an Atom to a Node by given index value

bool LinkNode2Node(size_t nNodeFrom, size_t nReason, size_t nNodeTo)

todo: optimize / Links a Node to a Node for a Reason by given index value

bool LinkNode2Node(std::string const &crsNodeFrom, std::string const &crsReason, std::string const &crsNodeTo)

todo: optimize / Links a Node to a Node for a Reason by given names

template <typename T>
std::optional<PT<T>> Find(CT<T> const &croContainer, size_t nId)

Finds the T with ID nId.

Template Parameters
  • T: the type of the filtered objects
  • croContainer: The container to be filtered
  • nId: The ID of the T

auto FindNode(size_t nId)

API Adapter.

auto FindNodes(std::string const &crsName)

API Adapter.

auto FindNodes(std::regex const &crsRegex)

API Adapter.

auto FindProperty(size_t nId)

API Adapter.

auto FindProperties(std::string const &crsName)

API Adapter.

auto FindProperties(std::regex const &crsRegex)

API Adapter.

auto FindReason(size_t nId)

API Adapter.

auto FindReasons(std::string const &crsName)

API Adapter.

auto FindReasons(std::regex const &crsRegex)

API Adapter.

auto FindAtom(size_t nId)

API Adapter.

auto FindAtoms(std::string const &crsName)

API Adapter.

auto FindAtoms(std::regex const &crsRegex)

API Adapter.

auto FindUnUsedNodes()

find all nodes not linked with anynode

auto FindUnUsedReasons()

find all reasons not used with anynode

auto FindUnUsedProperties()

find all properties not linked to anynode

auto FindUnUsedAtoms()

find all atoms not linked to anynode

auto const &Nodes() const

Access function to call then container of CNode’s.

auto const &Properties() const

Access function to call then container of CProperties.

auto const &Atoms() const

Access function to call then container of CAtom’s.

auto const &Reasons() const

Access function to call then container of CReason’s.

auto const &Strands() const

Access function to call then container of CStrand’s.